Passivhaus · Whole Life Carbon · Net Zero
We create buildings that respond to the urgent challenges of the climate crisis, prioritising the comfort and needs of the people that use them
What we do
At Delta Q, we specialize in Passivhaus, Whole Life Carbon, and Net Zero Carbon Buildings. We integrate the technical rigor, attention to detail, and quality assurance of Passivhaus into all our services. We deliver high-quality work with exceptional customer service, ensuring outstanding results every time.
We go beyond conventional consultancy, driven by a dedication to excellence and a willingness to go the extra mile. We continuously seek opportunities to reduce building costs, simplify construction processes, and enhance the user experience. Our clients truly notice
Why Delta Q
In-depth technical knowledge: we are experts in building physics and low carbon building design.
Experience specific to building types: we understand the unique challenges of different building archetypes and sectors.
Exceptional customer service: we are proactive and responsive, and excellent communicators, working collaboratively with all stakeholders.
Construction expertise: our insights into construction processes ensure practical and effective solutions.
Understanding of client and building needs: we tailor our services to fit specific project demands for the client and building occupants.
Excellent site support: we ensure successful project outcomes via quality assurance and technical support during site delivery.
Beyond Passivhaus: we apply the rigour and attention to detail associated with the Passivhaus Standard to all our work.
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