Passivhaus · Whole Life Carbon · Net Zero

Passivhaus · Whole Life Carbon · Net Zero

Passivhaus · Whole Life Carbon · Net Zero

What we do

Why Delta Q

In-depth technical knowledge: we are experts in building physics and low carbon building design.

Experience specific to building types: we understand the unique challenges of different building archetypes and sectors.

Exceptional customer service: we are proactive and responsive, and excellent communicators, working collaboratively with all stakeholders.

Construction expertise: our insights into construction processes ensure practical and effective solutions.

Understanding of client and building needs: we tailor our services to fit specific project demands for the client and building occupants.

Excellent site support: we ensure successful project outcomes via quality assurance and technical support during site delivery.

Beyond Passivhaus: we apply the rigour and attention to detail associated with the Passivhaus Standard to all our work.

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